
Jan-09 Gameing

I would like to take a moment to talk about whats going on in my current gaming routine and any observations i've had about them.

Ive been playing a lot of a game called Savage 2

http://savage2.s2games.com <-- its free

Its by an independent studio trying to make it distributing completely online.

Its a RTS/RPG hybrid where one player takes control of the battlefield RTS style while everyone else fights on the ground like an action RPG game. Its got a lot of interesting properties. They have recently made major overhauls to the combat system which originally turned me off the game, I could write a essay about the games design but I wont go into it too much.

The bottom line for the game is its flawed, but very fun, unique and well worth a try even just for the unique experience alone.

My in game name is Sarbon

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